About the LAB
Research Projects
Roster 2005

Environmental Inorganic Chemistry

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Research projects


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bulletStructure and properties of glasses with optical functions
ZnO photochromic glass Change in color with the irradiation of light
Glasses containing heavy metal oxide, such as, TeO2 and Bi2O3 Light with the wavelength different from the incident beam is emitted, or irradiation of light lets electricity pass through the glasses.
Non-oxide glasses, such as, halide or chalcogenide glasses Selective transparency against specific wavelength
bulletNon-linear optics of glass and ceramic
SHG or THG (second / third harmonic generation) from glasses or crystalline materials

Surface-crystallized glass ? control of the surface crystallization of optical crystals

Phase separation in glass and its effects on the optical properties

Light with the intensity or wavelength different from the incident beam comes out from the glass, or the glass itself emits light. And make crystalline materials with such properties
bulletPreparation of functional amorphous thin films
Electrochromic WO3 films Reversible coloration and bleaching by an electrochemical reaction
Amorphous films in the SiO2-TiO2 system Unique properties which are not achieved in the bulk glasses
bulletImprovement in characteristics of ceramics and development of inorganic catalysts
Chemical durability of CaO-based ceramics Extend the lifetime in use
Catalytic property for the CaO-based ceramics How SOx can be absorbed efficiently?
bulletAnalyses of electronic structure of inorganic materials and computational chemistry
Electronic states of glasses with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Einstein’s photoelectric effect helps us to understand various properties of glasses
Molecular orbital and molecular dynamic simulations Computer simulations are able to reproduce electron distribution and atomic configuration. Interactions between electrons and atoms determine chemical character of materials.
bulletDevelopment of combustion furnace reducing the emission of dioxins from urban wastes
Refractory brick with high durability
Re-utilization of furnace slag
Low emission of dioxins and high efficiency in energy recovery by burning wastes at higher temperature and by using the combustion heat for generation of electricity.

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Facilities in our group

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Facility Place
X-ray Diffraction
(Rigaku, RAD-1A, Geiger-Flex, Cu, 1.5kW)
(Rigaku, RU-200, Rota-Flex, Mo, 12kW)

Optical Absorption

RF-Magnetron Sputter

Glove Box

Main Building in the School of Engineering
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
(Fisons Instrument, S-Probe ESCA SSX-100S)
Graduate School of Natural Science
Fluorescent Lifetime Venture Business Laboratory
Activated Reactive Vacuum Evaporation Okayama Ceramics Center

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MIURA LAB. HOMEPAGE COMMENTS? Last Modified: 2015/04/09