メンバー 2013


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Distribution behavior of inorganic constituents in chemical recycling processes of a municipal waste slag
K. Omura, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 1[1] (2013) 108-113.
-- A chemical recycling process of inorganic wastes has been developed, where after vitrifying wastes, the glasses were heat-treated and soaked in an acid, obtaining colorless and transparent SiO2-abundant glasses. In the present study, distribution behavior of the constituents such as Si, P, Ti, Al and so on present in a municipal waste slag was examined. According to compositional analyses, the recovered solids after acid treatment consisted of SiO2, P2O5 and TiO2, suggesting the preferential distribution of P and Ti atoms into SiO2-rich phase during phase separation. In high resolution microscopic analyses, however, it was observed that P and Ti atoms were distributed separately from Si atoms, and they were present in the different particles insoluble in the acid. It was finally concluded that the insoluble solids were produced by a dissolution–reprecipitation process, that is, once all the constituents of the vitrified slag were dissolved in the acid, P2O5 and TiO2 coprecipitated as particles, and TiO2 was indispensable for the precipitation of P2O5. SiO2 also precipitated as particles separately from P- and Ti-containing particles. -- [ PDF ]


セラ協基礎討論会,仙台 1/9-10


1H16 下水処理汚泥からのリンの回収プロセスの開発(岡山大)◯宮本亮・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎


 2D03 Na2O-CaO-B2O3-SiO2系ガラスの分相に伴う遷移金属元素の分配(岡山大)◯大野愛美・崎田慎一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎


2D04 ガラスの分相促進剤として用いるホウ素の循環再利用プロセスの開発(岡山大)○畑雄大・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

セラ協年会,東京(東工大) 3/17-19




1P037 スパッタリング法によるNbOx薄膜の作成と光学特性の評価(香川高専)森田俊也・与田将士・○桟敷剛・岡野寛(岡山大)紅野安彦・難波徳郎


1P070 スズリン酸塩系ガラスの蛍光特性、耐水性に及ぼす酸化物の添加効果(岡山大)○福井聡史・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎


1P076 X線、中性子回折およびXAFSを用いた鉛ホウ酸塩系多成分ガラスの構造解析(岡山大学)〇宝崎裕也・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎・(広島大学)高橋嘉夫・(日揮)椋木敦・千葉保・菊池孝浩・(原環センター)桜木智史


2E02 Bi2O3-MO-B2O3(M=Zn, Ca, Sr)系ガラスの結晶化と非線形光学機能発現(岡山大学)○金西啓太・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎


3F04 化学量論結晶化ガラスの結晶化度評価と等温結晶化速度論(岡山大)○坂元俊介・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

応物,厚木(神奈川工大) 3/27-30

bullet27a-PB2-15 分子軌道計算によるNbO6八面体の連結様式が電子状態に及ぼす影響評価(香川高専)○桟敷剛,岡野寛(岡山大)紅野安彦,難波徳郎


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bulletPrediction of glass structure by using multiple regression analysis
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 120[3] (2012) 98-103.
-- Multiple regression analyses were applied to the prediction of glass structures, such as O 1s binding energy and fraction of fourfold coordinated boron atoms, N4. In the case of linear combination of the content of glass constituents, an acceptable prediction accuracy was obtained for O 1s binding energy, and as for N4, however, a poor agreement was observed between the prediction and measurement. After introducing quadratic and cubic interaction terms into the regression formula, a drastic improvement was achieved in the prediction of N4. Some regression coefficients were dependent on basicity of each glass constituent, suggesting the feasibility of prediction for the glasses containing novel constituents whose regression parameters have never been determined. -- [ PDF ]
セラミックス,47(2) (2012) 105-109.
-- ガラスの相分離自体は古くから知られた現象であり,工業的にも多孔質ガラスやバイコールガラスの作製に広く用いられている.当研究室では,ガラスの相分離を無機系廃棄物に含まれる遷移金属元素などの着色成分の抽出にも適用できると考えた.高炉水砕スラグや都市ゴミ溶融スラグを用いて実験を行ったところ,SiO2含有量の高い無色透明なガラス固化体を得ることができた.また,リンやチタンがシリカリッチ相に選択的に取り込まれることを見いだし,ガラスの相分離をシリカ以外の有価元素の抽出法として利用できると考えた.本稿では,当研究室が行ってきたプロセス開発と問題点の克服に向けた取り組みについて紹介する.-- [ PDF ]
bulletPreparation, microstructure, and color tone of microtubule material composed of hematite/amorphous-silicate nanocomposite from iron oxide of bacterial origin
H. Hashimoto, H. Asaoka, T. Nakano, Y. Kusano, H. Ishihara, Y. Ikeda, M. Nakanishi, T. Fujii, T. Yokoyama, N. Horiishi,T. Nanba, J. Takada
Dyes and Pigments, 2012, 95, 639-643.
-- By heating an amorphous iron oxide produced by Leptothrix ochracea, an iron-oxidizing bacterium species, at 600-1100 °C in air for 2 h, vivid red-colored powdered materials including  a-Fe2O3 (hematite) and amorphous silicate with high thermostability were prepared which offer potential for use as overglaze enamels on porcelain. The precise color tone of the materials greatly depends on the heattreatment temperature. The most strikingly beautiful sample, heat-treated at 800 °C, is light yellowish-red in color (L* = 47.3, a* = 34.1, and b* = 34.6), has a unique microstructure, and does not fade in color even with reheating at 800 °C, which is the firing temperature for overglaze enamel on porcelain. The sample primarily consists of crystalline hematite particles  ~40 nm in diameter with slightly longer axis unit-cell parameters than those of pure hematite. The particles are covered with amorphous silicate phase ~5 nm in thickness and are intricately interconnected into microtubules with an average diameter of 1.26 mm. The attractive color of this material is due to the following structural features: small particle size (~40 nm), nanocomposite of hematite and amorphous silicate, and a microtubule structure that inhibits aggregation of individual hematite particles and microtubules. --[ PDF ]
bulletEffect of TiO2 Addition on the Distribution of Phosphorus Associated with Phase Separation of Borosilicate Glasses
Y. Ohtsuki, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
Processing, Properties, and Applications of Glass and Optical Materials: Ceramic Transactions/2012, 231, 145-149.
-- Behavior of phosphorus associated with phase separation and the effect of TiO2 addition on the phosphorus distribution were investigated in Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 ternary glass system. After heat treatment, phase separation by spinodal decomposition was commonly observed. In the phase separation of TiO2-free glasses, phosphorus was preferentially distributed into B2O3-rich phase, and after TiO2 addition, phosphorus distribution into SiO2-rich phase was also observed. With increasing TiO2 content, the amount of phosphorus distributed into SiO2-rich phases increased up to 90%. 31P MAS NMR indicated that phosphorus in the glasses was mainly present in negatively-charged Q2 units with terminal oxygen atoms, and in the TiO2-containing glasses, Q1 or Q0 units containing P-O-Ti bond were confirmed. Despite the formation of negatively-charged Q1 or Q0 units, phosphorus was distributed into SiO2-rich phase, which was due to the distribution of Ti4+ ions with higher coordination numbers acting as network modifiers. --[ PDF ]
bulletFunctional and Structural Characterizations of Fresnoite Glass-Ceramics Oriented with UST Technique
Y. Benino, A. Endo, S. Sakida, T. Nanba
Processing, Properties, and Applications of Glass and Optical Materials: Ceramic Transactions/2012, 231, 161-165.
-- Transparent glass ceramics with highly oriented surface crystalline layers of fresnoite Ba2TiSi2O8 were prepared by heat treatment of precursor glasses in BaO-TiO2-SiO2 system. The orientation along c-axis of fresnoite crystals normal to the glass surface was evaluated by the surface XRD patterns, and it was remarkably enhanced by ultrasonic surface treatment (UST) before the crystallization using fresnoite powder suspension in water. The effect of UST disappeared after heat treatment in the glass transition region, and the mechanism of UST was discussed on the basis of the persistence at elevated temperatures. --[PDF]
bulletFabrication and characterization of Er3+-doped tellurite glass Waveguides By Ag+-Na+ Ion-exchange Method Using a Dry Electromigration Process
S. Sakida, K. Kimura, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
Processing, Properties, and Applications of Glass and Optical Materials: Ceramic Transactions/2012, 231, 201-207.
-- Planar waveguides were prepared on 12Na2O-10NbO2.5-25WO3-53TeO2-1Er2O3 ([NbWEr]) substrate glass by Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange using a dry electromigration process. The optical properties of the waveguides were characterized and compared with those of [NbWEr] glass waveguides prepared by Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange by thermal diffusion. After ion-exchange by both a dry electromigration process and thermal diffusion, the transmittance of the glasses slightly decreased from that of the [NbWFr] substrate glass but frosting was not observed on these ion-exchanged glasses. The depth of the waveguide fabricated at 300°C by a dry electromigration process was about 8  mm and deeper than that at 380°C by thermal diffusion. On the [NbWEr] glass ion-exchanged at 300°C by a dry electromigration process, the stains seen in the [NbWEr] glass ion-exchanged at 380°C by thermal diffusion were hardly observed. Therefore, the dry electromigration process is promising due to the reduction of the process temperature and fewer stains. --[PDF]
bulletEffect of additives on the distribution of phosphorus associated with phase separation of borosilicate glasses
Y. Benino, Y. Ohtsuki, S. Sakida, T. Nanba
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 2012, 120(11), 490-493.
-- Sodium borosilicate glasses containing phosphorus were prepared, and the effect of Al2O3 and TiO2 addition on the distribution behavior of phosphorus atoms associated with the phase separation was investigated. After heat treatment, a phase separation by the spinodal decomposition was commonly confirmed by SEM observation. In the additive-free sample, phosphorus was preferentially distributed into B2O3-rich phase after the phase separation, and after adding Al2O3 or TiO2, the amount of phosphorus distributed into SiO2-rich phase increased. It was also suggested that TiO2 had a stronger influence on the phosphorus distribution into SiO2-rich phase than Al2O3. 31P MAS-NMR revealed that most of phosphorus atoms in the additive-free glass were present in PO4 units consisting of two terminal oxide ions, and the terminal oxide ions decreased and increased after the additions of Al2O3 and TiO2, respectively. It was suggested that this structural change brought about a change in the distribution of phosphorus. --[ PDF ]
bulletSurface crystallization of stoichiometric glass with Bi2ZnB2O7 crystal using ultrasonic surface treatment followed by heat treatment
K. Kanenishi, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 2012, 120(11), 509-512.
-- Surface crystallized glass-ceramics with nonlinear optical Bi2ZnB2O7 (BZB) crystals were prepared by ultrasonic surface treatment (UST) followed by crystallization heat treatment for stoichiometric glass with a composition of 33.3Bi2O3-33.3ZnO-33.3B2O3. According to the surface XRD measurements and microscopic observations, UST technique was found to be quite effective for lower temperature precipitation of BZB, indicating the ability of crystallization control of the target phase, such as phase selectivity, small size of precipitates, high orientation and their morphology. After the optimization of the process condition parameters for improving transparency and suppressing deformation of the sample, the effective optical nonlinearity of the transparent surface crystallized glass-ceramics was estimated as 0.7 pm/V. --[ PDF ]
bulletEffect of Nb2O5 addition to SnO–P2O5 glass
S. Fukui, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 2012, 120(11), 509-512.
-- SnO-P2O5 glasses have high refractive index and low glass transition temperature but have poor water durability. To improve water durability, NbO2.5 was added to SnO-P2O5 glasses, preparing SnO-NbO2.5-P2O5 glass. It was found that addition of only 4 mol% NbO2.5 was enough to achieve significant improvement of water durability, and at the same time, no degradation in thermal and optical properties was observed. --[ PDF ]
bulletAmorphous structure of iron oxide of bacterial origin
H. Hashimoto, T. Fujii, S. Kohara, H. Asaoka, Y. Kusano, Y. Ikeda, M. Nakanishi, Y. Benino, T. Nanba, J. Takada
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 137, 571-575.
-- In nature, there are various iron oxides produced by the water-habitant bacterial group called "iron oxidizing bacteria". These iron oxides have been studied mainly from biological and geochemical perspectives. Today, attempts are made to use such iron oxides as novel functional materials in several applications. However, their quantitative structural characteristics are still unclear. We studied the structure of iron oxide of microtubular form consisting of amorphous nanoparticles formed by an ironoxidizing bacterium, Leptothrix ochracea, using a combination of high-energy X-ray diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo simulation. We found that its structure consists of a framework of corner- and edge sharing distorted FeO6 octahedral units, while SiO4 tetrahedral units are isolated in the framework. The results reveal the atomic arrangement of iron oxide of bacterial origin, which is essential for investigating its potential as a functional material. --[ PDF ]


セラ協基礎討論会,東京 1/12-13

bullet1D24 配向したフレスノイト結晶化ガラスの微細構造(岡山大学)○土井善文、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bullet1P35 ホウケイ酸塩ガラスの相分離におけるリンの分配挙動に及ぼす添加成分の影響(岡山大学)○大月裕貴、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bullet1P36 ガラスの構造情報のデータベース化および重回帰分析の利用(岡山大学)○石井久美子、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bullet1P37 スズリン酸塩系ガラスの作製および特性評価(岡山大学)○福井聡史、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bullet1P38 鉄鋼スラグからのリンの回収プロセスの開発、○河西宏樹、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎 (ポスター賞!
bullet1P39 ハロゲン含有ビスマスホウ酸塩ガラスの構造解析(岡山大学)○鉾良治、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎

セラ協年会,京都 3/19-21

bullet1P089 Na2O-CaO-B2O3-SiO2 系分相ガラスにおける遷移金属元素の分配挙動と分相への影響(岡山大学)○大野愛美・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2K01 鉛ホウ酸塩を主成分とする2成分および3成分ガラスの逆モンテカルロ構造モデル構築(岡山大学)○宝崎裕也・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎・(日揮)椋木敦・千葉保・菊池孝浩
bullet2K08 鉛含有化合物およびガラスにおける歪んだPbOx 多面体の電子状態解析 (岡山大学)○高柳哲也・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet(学術賞受賞講演) 2K09A 塩基度を指針とするガラスのキャラクタリゼーション(岡山大学)○難波徳郎

Society of Glass Technology, Living Glass 2012 Cambridge, UK 9/5-7

bulletPreparation and characterisation of optical waveguides of Er3+ doped tellurite glasses by field assisted Ag+-Na+ ion exchange (Okayama Univ.) ○K. Kuwada, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletSurface crystallisation behaviour and non linear optical property of bismuth zinc borate glasses (Okayama Univ.) ○K. Kanenishi, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletDistribution behaviour of inorganic constituents in municipal waste slag due to phase separation of vitrified slag (Okayama Univ.) ○K. Omura, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba

応物秋季講演会,松山 9/11-14

bullet11a-PA1-16 アモルファス酸化ニオブの光吸収特性と分子軌道計算による電子状態評価(香川高専)○桟敷 剛,岡野 寛,(岡山大)難波徳郎,紅野安彦

セラ協秋季シンポ,名古屋 9/19-21

bullet1B06 MgO-Al2O3 系Cr フリー耐火物へのSiC 添加効果(岡山大学)○石井慧・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet3C06 SnO-P2O5 系ガラスへの酸化物添加効果(岡山大学)○福井聡史・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

IUMRS-ICEM 2012, Yokohama 9/23-28

bulletA-9-P26-003 Effect of Nb2O5 addition to SnO-P2O5 glass (Okayama Univ) ○S. Fukui, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba

ガラス討論会,札幌 10/25-26

bulletB2-7 ガラスの相分離を用いたBi 系新規蛍光体の作製 (岡山大 )○内田彩加, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletB2-13 ガラスのXPS構造情報のデータベス化と構造予測 (岡山大 )◯紅野安彦, 石井久美子, 田中伸幸, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎

ヤンセラ,徳島 11/17

bulletK12 SnO-ZnO-P2O5 ガラスの作製および特性評価(岡山大学)○藤原沙弥香, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK13 異方性ガラスの構造解析(岡山大学)○小野誉弥, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK14 ガラスの不均質性の評価と制御(岡山大学)○原田悠暉, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK15 ガラス構造データベースを利用した物性予測システムの開発(岡山大学)○田中伸幸, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK34 スラグガラスから回収した固体中リンなどの元素の溶出挙動調査(岡山大学)○網田吉伸, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK35 鉄鋼スラグからのリン回収プロセス(岡山大学)○梅田浩生, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK48 溶融スラグと耐火物の反応性に及ぼすホウ酸添加効果(岡山大学)○大瀧翔吾, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎

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塩基度を指針とするガラスのキャラクタ リゼーション
セラミックス, 46(4) (2011) 261.
塩基度は酸化物イオン等のアニオンの 電子供与性の度合いを示し,ガラスの諸 物性の基本的理解に必須の概念である. 難波徳郎氏は,X 線光電子分光法(XPS) が塩基度を実験的に求める手法として有 効であることを示すとともに,ガラスの 電子状態解析を中心とした一連の研究に より,ガラスの基礎科学に貢献した.塩 基度を実験的に求める方法には,酸化物 イオンの活量,プローブイオンの光吸収 スペクトル,ESR スペクトルを測定す る方法などがあるが,すべての物質系を カバーする測定方法はなかった.同氏 は,種々の酸化物ガラスを用いた系統的 なXPS 測定により,O1s 束縛エネルギー が塩基度の定量的な指標として有効であ ることを明らかにした.また,ガラス中 で不規則に変化するホウ素の配位数や希 土類イオンの増幅特性が塩基度と強い相 関があることを見いだし,塩基度がガラ ス材料の設計指針として有効であること を提案・実証した.
同氏の研究は,組成に対して複雑に変 化する多成分ガラスの構造や物性の予測 を塩基度から可能にするもので,ガラス のみならずセラミックス材料全般の材料 設計指針を与えることができる.以上, 同氏の業績は日本セラミックス協会学術 賞に値するものとして推薦する.


New Glass, Vol.26(4), pp.21-25, 2011.12.
-- 国際ガラスデータベース(INTERGLAD)は,ガラスの組成と特性に関する情報を収録した優れたデータベースであるが,2009年にリリースされたVer. 7では新しい機能と改良が加えられ,ガラス構造研究の立場からも強力なツールとして利用されている。なかでも,新たに組み込まれたガラス構造データベースは,IR,ラマン,NMRなどの各種分析手法により得られるガラス構造情報を収録したものであり,これを活用することにより,従来の重回帰分析に基づく特性予測や組成設計が対象ガラスの構造やその変化を考慮した高度な予測設計手法へ発展する可能性がある。
当研究グループでは,主な研究内容の1つとしてガラス構造の解明を目的としたX線光電子分光法(XPS)やNMRを利用した実験を行ってきた。既報のものを含めて,当研究グループ内にはこれらの構造解析結果に関する蓄積があり,データベース化による利用価値が高いと判断した。本稿では,主としてボロシリケートガラスのXPSおよび11B MAS NMR分析結果について,INTERGLAD構造データベースの構築から重回帰分析による利用を紹介した。
構造データベースでは,XPSやNMRをはじめ各種構造情報をユーザーデータとして登録することが可能であり,これまでに測定された分析結果を可読状態で蓄積することが可能になるだけでなく,今後のガラス構造研究において有効に利用されると考えられる。また,構造データの利用として重回帰分析の例を示したが,精度の高い多次の回帰式を導くことができ,二次および三次の相互作用項の理解を含めた研究の進展に向けて,INTERGLADの利用の更なる拡大が期待される。  -- [ PDF ]
bulletMolecular Dynamics Simulation of Lead Borate and Related Glasses in Multicomponent Systems for Low Melting Vitrification of Nuclear Wastes
IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 022014
doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/18/2/022014
-- Glasses based on lead oxide have excellent properties in general such as low melting point, high chemical durability and high stability of glassy form, which are suitable for the preservation of volatile nuclear wastes in a permanent vitrified form. In order to confirm the long-term performance of lead borate based glasses it is necessary to establish dissolution and diffusion processes based on a reliable model of the glass structure. In the present study molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of lead borate based glasses was carried out introducing a dummy negative point charge to reproduce asymmetric PbOn units. Parameters for the dummy charge were optimized based on the comparison between calculated radial distribution function and experimental one. Asymmetric coordination around Pb, for example trigonal bipyramid, was successfully reproduced in the MD simulated binary and ternary glass models. The simple model using the dummy charge was confirmed to be valid for further simulations of multicomponent glasses containing nuclear wastes and heavy elements. -- [ PDF ]
bulletColoration and Depth Distribution of Cations Electrochemically-inserted into Electrochromic WO3 Thin Films
IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 092039
-- Amorphous tungsten trioxide (WO3) film is a promising material for electrochromic device applications, and it has been researched widely. Electrochromism is a phenomenon that accompanies the electrochemical redox reaction together with the change in color and optical transmittance. Li+ and H+ ions were electrochemically inserted into amorphous WO3 films prepared on an ITO-coated glass substrate by an R.F. magnetron sputtering method under Ar/O2 flow ratios of 4/1 (SP1)and 1/1 (SP2). The cation distribution was estimated indirectly by depth profiles of refractive-index obtained from prism coupler measurements and was evaluated directly by glow discharge spectrometry (GDS). H+ ions inserted were segregated only at deeper region around ITO electrode, which was independent to the preparing condition. In the case of Li+ insertion into SP1 film, Li+ ions were initially segregated at around ITO electrode, and after further insertions, they were also distributed at around the surface of WO3 film. In SP1 film, Li+ ions at around ITO electrode seemed to contribute to coloration. In SP2 film, however, Li+ ions subsequently inserted, which were uniformly distributed in the film, were only involved in coloration. The difference in depth distribution and coloration was due to the difference in atomic structure of WO3 films. -- [ PDF ]
bulletEffect of Ultrasonic Surface Treatment on the Transparency and Orientation of Fresnoite Surface Crystallization
IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 112015
-- Surface crystallized glass ceramics with fresnoite (Ba2TiSi2O8) phase were prepared by conventional heat treatment of 30BaO-20TiO2-50SiO2 glass together with ultrasonic surface treatment (UST) technique. The precursor glass was fully crystallized in a bulk form without any cracks, and the optical transparency and crystallographic orientation of the crystalline layers were evaluated by UV-Vis spectroscopy and XRD diffraction analyses, respectively. These properties were both enhanced significantly by applying UST using fresnoite/water suspension before the crystallization process, which is advantage for nonlinear optical applications of bulk glass ceramics. The effects of UST on the crystallization behavior were investigated by applying UST with various conditions.
As the results, transparency and c-axis orientation of surface crystallized glass-ceramics were successfully enhanced by applying UST before the conventional heat treatment and the effective parameters of UST conditions were determined. However, the SEM observation of the glass surface after UST did not show any significant changes. The effect and mechanism of UST resulting in the enhancement of transparency and c-axis orientation are not yet explained at present, but the practical importance should be emphasized in order to develop new series of transparent glass ceramics with oriented crystals. -- [ PDF ]
bulletPhase separation of borosilicate glass containing phosphorus
IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 112022
-- Iron- and steel-making slags consist of chemical components, such as SiO2, CaO and Al2O3, which are also included in widely-used commercial glasses. We focused on these components and came up with the idea that phase separation of glass, which has been used for the production of porous glasses in glass industry, could be applied to the recovery of phosphorus from iron- and steel-making slags. However, little is known concerning the distribution of phosphorus after phase separation.
Then, Sodium borosilicate glasses containing P2O5 and Al2O3 were prepared, and the behavior of phosphorus associated with the phase separation and the effect of Al2O3 addition have been investigated. After the heat treatment, phase separation by spinodal decomposition was observed in the all samples. In the Al2O3-free glasses, phosphorus was preferentially distributed into B2O3-rich glass phase after the phase separation. With increasing Al2O3 content, the amount of phosphorus distributed into SiO2-rich glass phase increased. According to 31P MAS NMR measurements, in the Al2O3-containing glasses, Q4 units free from terminal oxygen atoms were formed. It was suggested that the distribution of phosphorus depend on the PO4 units. -- [ PDF ]
bulletFabrication and characterization of Er3+-doped tellurite glass waveguide by Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange method
IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 112018
-- It is requested to enhance the speed and density of telecommunication with increasing in the demand for optical communication. As one of the solutions, the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) method attracts attention. A wideband optical amplifier as one of optical devices is indispensable in order to amplify communication light that attenuates by transmission. An Er3+-doped tellurite glass is an attractive material as a broadband amplifier at 1.5 mm in WDM network. An optical waveguide forms the basis for an integrated optical device applicable to an amplifier and laser for high-speed signal processing in telecommunication. The optical waveguides have been fabricated on substrate glasses by means of various techniques such as ion-exchange, sol-gel, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), physical vapor deposition (PVD), flame hydrolysis deposition (FHD), pulsed laser deposition (PLD), rf-sputtering and laser writing. Among these techniques, an ion-exchange method is effective to make an optical waveguide on a substrate glass owing to its simplicity, flexibility, reliability and low cost. So far, many studies about optical waveguides fabricated on silicate, soda-lime, borosilicate and phosphate substrate glasses by ion-exchange have been reported. However, studies about the fabrication and characterization of tellurite glass waveguides by ion-exchange are a few although the waveguide amplifier in a tellurite glass is expected to exhibit high optical gain and to be low-cost and compact. Hence, the further information about the fabrication and characterization of tellurite glass waveguides by ion-exchange is necessary. In the present study, the planar waveguides of 12Na2O•10NbO2.5•25WO3•53TeO2+1Er2O3 ([NbWEr]) glasses were prepared by Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange at 320-380°C for 5-30 h. The optical properties of the waveguides were characterized. Waveguiding property was successfully confirmed under all the ion-exchange conditions in this study. The thickness of the waveguides increased with increasing ion-exchange temperature and time. The minimum propagation loss of the waveguides was approximately 0.8 dB/cm at 632.8 nm. This value was the lowest in the tellurite glass waveguides fabricated by the authors' group until now. Hence, the [NbWEr] glass waveguides were considered to be promising for broadband optical amplifiers. -- [ PDF ]
bulletEffect of Addition of Non-oxides on the Slag Corrosion Resistance
of MgO-Al2O3 Refractories

IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 222015
-- In the 1990's dioxins exhausted from waste incineration plants have been a serious social issue in Japan, and reducing the dioxin emissions has been instructed strictly. High temperature melting incineration systems have been developed to prevent the generation of endocrine disrupters such as dioxin. Municipal waste is discharged as aggregated molten slag, which have greatly contributed to the volume reduction of wastes and the improvement of the waste disposal capabilities. In the high temperature melting furnaces, Al2O3-Cr2O3 refractories have been often used because of their high corrosion resistance against the molten slags. However, another issue has been raised, that is, generation of poisonous hexavalent chromium ions by reacting with the molten slag. Therefore the development of chromium free refractories with high corrosion resistance is needed.
Then, in the present study, various non-oxides, such as SiC, Si3N4 and AlN were added to MgO-Al2O3 refractory, and the effect on the slag corrosion resistance was investigated. The specimens were prepared by a spark plasma sintering (SPS) method. Slag corrosion tests were carried out using a button method under a reducing atmosphere. Improvement in corrosion resistance was confirmed for the SiC-added specimens, and the addition of nitrides, however, resulted in deterioration. Wettability was also examined, and the compositional dependence was not observed in contact angle. Quantitative relation was not found between contact angle and penetration depth. -- [ PDF ]
bulletCharacterization of Glasses Based on Basicity
Tokuro NANBA
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 119(10) (2011) 720-725.
-- Basicity is defined as an electron donating ability of a material, and hence, an oxide material containing oxide ions with high electron density is regarded to be in high basicity. It has been demonstrated that basicity can be evaluated by binding energy of core level electrons, which is measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Based on the experimental results obtained from a large number of oxide glasses, correlations among basicity, O1s binding energy, structure and properties of glasses have been investigated. In the present paper, some of the research outcomes are introduced. --[ PDF ] 
Effect of ZrO2 addition on the slag corrosion resistance of MgO-Al2O3 spinel
藤田基成,北 基,伊賀棒公一,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也,山口明良
Motonari Fujita, Hajime Kita, Koichi Igabo, Shinichi Sakida, Yasuhiko Benino, Tokuro Nanba, Yoshinari Miura, Akira Yamaguchi
耐火物 Taikabutsu, 63(6) (2011) 279-286.
-- MgO-Al2O3系スピネルにZrO2を添加することによって,微細構造や耐スラグ侵食性がどのように変化するか検討した。ZrO2添加による緻密化は,特に量論組成のMgO含有量50 mol%で顕著であった。また,ZrO2添加により緻密化の開始温度が低下し,その効果はZrO2添加量が2 vol%でも認められた。相対密度の上昇に伴い,溶融スラグによる損耗量は減少する傾向が認められた。ZrO2添加量が2 vol%の試料では,他の試料と同程度の相対密度であっても損耗量が低くなっていたが,10 vol%添加では無添加試料よりわずかに損耗量が大きくなっていた。これより,ZrO2は溶融スラグに溶出するが,スラグ粘度が上昇することによってスラグの浸潤が抑制されたと結論付けた。
The changes in the microstructure and slag corrosion resistance of MgO-Al2O3 spinel due to the addition of ZrO2 were investigated. Densification due to ZrO2 addition was significant at the stoichiometric composition of the spinel (MgO = 50 mol%). Furthermore, the densification began at lower sintering temperatures along with the ZrO2 addition, which was confirmed in the sintered bodies containing 2 vol% of ZrO2. With increasing the relative density of the sintered bodies, the slag corrosion resistance was improved. In the specimens of 2 vol% ZrO2 addition, the slag corrosion resistance was higher than the ZrO2-free specimens with similar relative densities. In the case of 10 vol% ZrO2 addition, however, degradation in slag resistance was observed. It was finally concluded that the improvement in the slag resistance was resulted from the increase in slag viscosity originating in the elution of ZrO2 component. --[ PDF ]
難波徳郎, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦,
Phosphorus Letter (日本無機リン化学会誌), 70 (2011) 27.
-- 当研究室では,ガラスの相分離現象を利用した無 機系廃棄物のリサイクルプロセスの開発に取り組 んでいる。開始当初は廃棄物中の着色元素の除去を 主な目的としていたが,廃棄物に含まれるリンが一 方のガラス相に取り込まれることを見出したため, 最近ではリンのリサイクルを目指した研究も進め ているところである。本稿では,リンのリサイクル 研究を含め,廃棄物のリサイクルに関する当研究室 の一連の研究成果を簡単に紹介する。 -- [ PDF ]


ヤンセラ,岡大 12/10

bulletK3 交番電場を利用したガラスの分相組織および分相組成の制御(岡山大学)○山本友之,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK4 フレスノイト組成を有するガラスの高温X線回析を用いた結晶化過程の解析(岡山大学)○坂元俊介,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK5 逆モンテカルロ法と分子動力学法を用いた重金属酸化物ガラスの構造モデル構築(岡山大学)○宝崎裕也,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK6 ボロシリケート系ガラスの構造予測に関する研究(岡山大学)○恒岡徹,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK7 ハロゲン含有重金属酸化物ガラスの電子状態解析(岡山大学)○高柳哲也,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK21 MgO-Al2O3系耐火物への非酸化物添加効果(岡山大学)○石井慧,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK25 EDTAを用いた湿式ボールミル法による有価元素の回収(岡山大学)○上田隼史,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK29 Bi系新規蛍光体の開発(岡山大学)○内田彩加,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK48 電界イオン交換法による光導波路の作製と特性評価(岡山大学)○桑田康介,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

日韓セラミックスセミナー,岡山 11/24-25

bulletGO-O-1 Construction and Utilization of XPS Structural Data of Glasses (Okayama U.) ○Kumiko ISHII, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-O-2 Structural Investigation of Bismuth Borate Glasses Containing Halides (Okayama U.) ○Yoshiharu HOKO, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-O-4 Preparation and Properties of Tin Phosphate Glass (Okayama U.) ○Satoshi FUKUI, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-O-6 Effect of TiO2 on the Distribution of Phosphorus due to Phase Separation of Borosilicate Glass (Okayama U.) ○Yuki OHTSUKI, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-O-15 Phosphorus Recovery Process from Iron- and Steel-Making Slag (Okayama U.) ○Hiroki KAWANISHI, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-P-1 Surface Crystallization Behavior of Bismuth Zinc Borate Glasses and Nonlinear Optical Property of Crystallized Glass-Ceramics (Okayama U.) ○Keita KANENISHI, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-P-2 Distribution of Transition Metal Ions Associated with Phase Separation in Na2O-CaO-B2O3-SiO2 Glass System (Okayama U.) ○Manami OHNO, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-P-5 Distribution Behavior of Inorganic Constituents in Municipal Waste Slags due to Phase Separation of Vitrified Slags (Okayama U.) ○Kohei OHMURA, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA
bulletGO-P-6 Phosphorus Recycling from Sewage Sludge (Okayama U.) ○Ryo MIYAMOTO, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO, Tokuro NANBA

セラ協ガラス討論会,姫路 11/24-25

bulletPB13 ガラスのXPS 構造情報のデータベース化および重回帰分析の利用 (岡山大学) ○石井久美子、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletA17 高温X 線回折を用いたフレスノイト組成を有するガラスの結晶化過程の解析 (岡山大学) ○坂元俊介、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletB25 電界イオン交換法によるテルライトガラス光導波路の作製と特性評価 (岡山大学) ○桑田康介、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎

セラ協秋季シンポジウム,北大 9/7-9

bullet2C06 スズリン酸塩系ガラスの作製および特性評価(岡山大学)○福井聡史・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2H18 ガラスの相分離現象を利用した無機系廃棄物のケミカルリサイクル(岡山大学)○大村昂平・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet3C07 超音波表面処理によるBi2O3-ZnO-B2O3系ガラスの結晶化制御(岡山大学)○金西啓太・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet3H04 【招待講演】ガラスの特性を利用した無機系廃棄物のケミカルリサイクル(岡山大学)○難波徳郎・崎田真一・紅野安彦

セラ協若手セミナー,豊橋 8/24-26

bulletガラスと分光法 (岡山大)○難波徳郎 [ PDF ]

Pacrim9, Queensland, Australia 7/10-14

bulletFabrication and characterization of Er3+-doped tellurite glass (Okayama U.) ○S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletFunctional and structural characterizations of fresnoite glass-ceramics oriented with UST
technique (Okayama U.) ○Y. Benino, S. Sakida, T. Nanba
bulletPhase separation of borosilicate glass containing phosphorus (Okayama U.) ○Y. Ohtsuki, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba


bullet鉛代替ガラス (岡山大) ○難波徳郎

セラ協年会,静岡大学@浜松 3/16-18

bullet1C35 ビスマス亜鉛ホウ酸塩ガラスの結晶化と非線形光学機能発現 (岡山大学)○金西啓太・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2D05 Na2O-CaO-B2O3-SiO2系ガラスの分相に伴う遷移金属元素の分配 (岡山大学)○大野愛美・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

セラ協基礎討論会,岡山 1/11-12

bullet1A19 微生物が作るバイオジナス酸化鉄のキャラクタリゼーション(第2 報)~放射光を 用いたアモルファス構造解析~ (岡山大自然1,JASRI2,倉敷芸科大芸術3,京大化研4,岡山大環境5)○橋本英樹1・藤井達生1・小原真司2・浅岡裕史1・草野圭弘3・池田
bullet1C10 重金属酸化物ガラスのMDシミュレーション (岡山大)○加藤駿佑・難波徳郎・紅野安彦・崎田真一
bullet1C13 スズリン酸塩系ガラスの作製及び特性評価 (岡山大)○福井聡・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1C15 Er3+ドープAg+-Na+電界イオン交換タングステンテルライトガラス光導波路の光学特性評価 (岡山大)○木村清恵・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1C17 ホウケイ酸塩ガラスの分相における添加したリンの分配挙動 (岡山大)○大月裕貴・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1C21 高配向フレスノイト結晶化ガラスの析出形態観察 (岡山大)○土井善文・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1C22 フレスノイト表面結晶化における超音波表面処理の透明性と配向性への影響 (岡山大)○遠藤篤子・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1F10 耐火物の耐スラグ侵食性に及ぼす非酸化物添加効果 (岡山大)○森田圭輔・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2C01 エレクトロクロミックWO3薄膜の着退色特性と挿入イオンの分布状態 (岡山大)○川合美穂・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

horizontal rule



bulletPhase separation of borosilicate glass containing sulfur,
Keiji SAIKI, Shinichi SAKIDA, Yasuhiko BENINO and Tokuro NANBA,
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 118(7) (2010) 603-607.
-- A 10Na2S • 30B2O3 • 60SiO2 (mol%) glass was prepared, and the changes in glass structure and chemical state of sulfur caused by phase separation were investigated. In the as-prepared and heat-treated glasses, sulfur was present as S2- anion and polysulfide S2- and S3- anions, and Si-S and B-S bonds were not confirmed. A phase separation by spinodal decomposition was observed after heat-treatment, where sulfur was preferentially distributed to borate-rich phase. Even after the phase separation, formation of non-bridging oxygen was not recognized. The preferential distribution of sulfur anions in the present glass was explainable on the basis of the change in population of sodium ions, which compensated the negatively-charged sulfur anions. --[ PDF ]
NEW GLASS, 25(4) (2010) 28-32.
-- 材料の物性は構造(原子配列,電子状態)に支配される。構造が塩基度の影響を受けるのであれば,塩基度はガラスの物性と構造の両者の支配因子であり,組成-構造-物性の相関を網羅的に記述することが可能な概念と言える。組成設計で新たな成分の添加を検討することもあると思うが,添加によって物性がどのように変化するのか予測するのは困難である。塩基度に基づいてガラスの構造や物性を予測することが可能になれば,材料開発における新たな指針を得ることができる。本稿ではホウケイ酸塩ガラスを例に,塩基度とガラス構造の関係について研究結果を紹介する。 --[PDF]


セラ協年会,静岡大学@浜松 3/16-18

bullet1C35 ビスマス亜鉛ホウ酸塩ガラスの結晶化と非線形光学機能発現 (岡山大学)○金西啓太,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bullet2D05 Na2O-CaO-B2O3-SiO2系ガラスの分相に伴う遷移金属元素の分配 (岡山大学)○大野愛美,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

セラ協ガラス討論会,東大@東京 12/16-17

bullet101 ガラスのXPS構造情報のデータベース化とその利用 (岡山大)○石井久美子,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletPS102 フレスノイト表面結晶化における超音波表面処理の透明性と配向性への影響 (岡山大)○遠藤篤子,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletPS2a08 鉄鋼スラグからのリンの回収プロセスの開発 (岡山大)○河西宏樹,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

ヤンセラ,愛媛大@松山 11/27

bulletK5 アルカリ土類ビスマスホウ酸塩ガラスの結晶化と非線形光学機能発現 (岡山大学)○金西啓太、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK6 CaO-B2O3-SiO2系ガラスの分相に伴う添加成分の分配 (岡山大学)○大野愛美、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK7 高配向フレスノイト結晶化ガラスの析出形態観察 (岡山大学)○土井善文、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK8 スズリン酸塩系ガラスの作製及び特性評価 (岡山大学)○福井聡史、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK13 逆モンテカルロ法による重元素含有ホウ酸塩ガラスのモデル構築 (岡山大学)○岡田彩香、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK18 セラミックス材料のX線光電子分光データベースの構築及び測定により求めた内殻準位の化学シフトの回帰分析 (岡山大学)○石井久美子、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK21 ステンレス成分が廃棄物からのSiO2回収に与える影響の評価 (岡山大学)○大村昂平、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK28 下水処理汚泥からのリンの回収プロセス (岡山大学)○宮本亮、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK29 湿式ボールミル法による希土類含有廃棄物からの希土類元素の回収 (岡山大学)○松延菜知、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletK30 ホウ素の循環再利用プロセスの開発 (岡山大学)○畑雄大、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎

耐技協,精錬・鋳造用耐火物専門委員会,岡山 11/25-26

bulletセラミックス材料の塩基度と反応性 (岡山大学)○難波徳郎

27th Korea-Japan International Seminar on Ceramics, Incheon, Korea 11/24-26

bulletGO-P-04 Structural study of P2O5-SiO2 binary glasses before and after annealing by 29Si and 31P MAS NMR spectroscopy (Okayama Univ.) ○S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura

3rd International Congress on Ceramics (ICC3) Osaka 11/14-18

bulletS1-P027 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Lead Borate and Related Glasses in Multicomponent Systems for Low Melting Vitrification of Nuclear Wastes (Okayama Univ.) ○S. Kato, Y. Benino, T. Nanba, S. Sakida
bulletS8-P016 Effect of Ultrasonic Surface Treatment on the Transparency and Orientation of Fresnoite Surface Crystallization (Okayama Univ.) ○A. Endo, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletS6-P017 Coloration and Depth Distribution of Cations Electrochemically-inserted into Electrochromic WO3 Thin Films (Okayama Univ.) ○M. Kawai, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletS8-P029 Structural Investigation Of Bismuth Borate Glasses Containing Halides (Okayama Univ.) ○Y. Hoko, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletS8-P033 Phase separation of borosilicate glass containing phosphorus (Okayama Univ.) ○Y. Otsuki, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletS8-P035 Fabrication and Characterization of Er3+-doped Tellurite Glass Waveguides by Ag+-Na+ Ion-exchange Method (Okayama Univ.) ○K. Kimura, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletS16-P004 Effect of Addition of Non-oxides on the Slag Corrosion Resistance of MgO-Al2O3 Refractories (Okayama Univ.) ○K. Morita, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba

ICG 2010, Salvador, Brazil 9/20-25

bullet269 Structural analysis of bismuth zinc borate glasses using high energy X-ray diffraction and 11B MAS NMR measurements (Okayama Univ.) ○Y. Benino, S. Sakida, T. Nanba

耐火物技術協会 年次学術講演会@北九州 4/22,23

bullet一般講演3 耐火物の耐スラグ侵食性に及ぼす非酸化物添加効果 (岡山大学)○森田圭輔,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

セラ協年会@東京農工大 3/22-24/2010

bullet1C36 耐火物と溶融スラグの反応性に及ぼす塩基度の影響 (岡山大学)○伊賀棒公一・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2G08 Er3+ドープAg+-Na+イオン交換タングステンテルライトガラス光導波路の屈折率分布および伝播損失 (岡山大)○木村清恵・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

セラ協基礎討論会@沖縄 1/12-13/2010

bullet1B04 近赤外レーザー誘起によるDy3+含有ビスマス亜鉛ホウ酸塩ガラスの局所結晶化(岡山大)○下村圭司,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bullet1P09 ビスマスホウ酸塩系ガラスの構造解析(岡山大)○井田憲嗣,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bullet1P10 硫黄を含むガラスの分相と硫黄の挙動(岡山大)○佐伯慶二,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bullet1P57 エレクトロクロミックWO3薄膜の着退色特性と挿入イオンの分布状態(岡山大)○川合美穂,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bullet2A11 廃棄物の再資源化処理プロセスの開発(岡山大)○福永大輔,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

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崎田真一, 黒田龍介, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎,
環境制御, 31 (2009) 26-31.
-- The possibility of material recycling of inorganic sludge by wet ball milling with distilled water and an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dehydrate (EDTA×2Na×2H2O) reagent was investigated. The inorganic sludge consisted of 14.1 mass% of the heat-treated sludge obtained after drying and heat treatment, 20.1 mass% of active carbon, and 65.9 mass% of water The wet ball milling of the heat-treated sludge was performed using a ball mill pot and balls in air for 40 h at room temperature with the rotational speed fixed at 200 rpm. The fractions of Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zr in the specimens obtained by wet-ball-milling the heat-treated sludge decreased and those of Si and Al increased. Appropriate content of distilled water and weight of the heat-treated sludge for wet ball milling were 150 - 250 ml and 4.5 g or less, respectively. When the wet ball milling of the heat-treated sludge was performed twice, the fractions of Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zr in the specimen obtained after repeated wet ball milling remarkably decreased and that of Si increased in comparison with those in the specimens wet-ball-milled once. This suggests that the repeat of wet ball milling of the heat-treated sludge leads to a colorless specimen without colored ions such as Mn, Fe, Ni, and Cu. --[ PDF ]
bulletChemical recycling of municipal waste slag by using phase separation,
Tokuro NANBA, Yutaro KURODA, Shinichi SAKIDA and Yasuhiko BENINO,
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 117(11) (2009) 1195-1198.
-- A chemical recycling method by using phase separation was applied to municipal waste slags. Glasses were prepared from incineration ash and ash-melted slag, where B2O3 was added to promote phase separation. The glasses were heat-treated at temperatures higher than their glass transition temperatures, and they were soaked in hydrochloric acid, leaching CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, and S. Transparent and colorless solids containing ca. 80 mass% of SiO2 were successfully obtained as residues. It was suggested that phase separation took place not in the heat-treatment but in the vitrification process, and further characterizations are however required to investigate the phenomena at microscopic levels in the recycling processes. --[ PDF ]
bulletMolecular orbital calculation of the 29Si NMR chemical shift in borosilicates: the effect of boron coordination to SiO4 units,
T. Nanba, Y. Asano, Y. Benino, S. Sakida, Y. Miura,
Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, October 2009, 50 (5), 301–304.
-- Borosilicate cluster models were constructed, and the 29Si NMR chemical shift was estimated by molecular orbital calculations. For Q4 species (an SiO4 unit consisting of four bridging oxygen atoms), a higher frequency shift was confirmed due to the replacement of the surrounding SiO4 with BO4 units, and for Q4 species associated with more than one BO4 unit, the chemical shifts were nearly identical to those for Q3 species (an SiO4 unit including one nonbridging oxygen) in alkali silicates. The chemical shifts of Q4 species in borosilicates were interpreted in terms of the change in bond angle of Si–O–(Si,B4) bridges. A change in chemical shift anisotropy of Q4 species was also found. The Q4 species associated with two BO4 units indicated an anisotropy maximum, which was smaller than the anisotropy of Q3 species. --[ PDF ]
bulletCorrelation between basicity and coordination structure in borosilicate glasses,
Y. Tanaka, Y. Benino, T. Nanba, S. Sakida, Y. Miura,
Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, October 2009, 50 (5), 289-293.
-- Various quaternary borosilicate glasses in the general system M2O–M'O–Al2O3–B2O3–SiO2 (M=Li, Na or K; M'=Ca, Sr or Ba) were prepared, and the concentration of four-fold coordinated boron (B4) atoms was determined using 11B magic angle spinning NMR. Regression analyses were performed to predict the B4 fraction, in which B4 fraction and glass basicity were used as dependent and independent variables, respectively. Except for Al2O3-containing glasses, regression formulae giving high correlation coefficients were successfully obtained by using B4/(B+Si´f) (where f is a tunable coefficient) as the dependent variable. As for the glasses containing Al2O3, however, the necessity of a different dependent variable was indicated. --[ PDF ]


セラ協中四国支部ヤングセラミストミーティング in 中四国@香川大学 12/12/2009

bulletK10 重金属系ガラス中のハロゲンの存在状態とダイナミックス(岡山大学)○鉾良治,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK41 配向したフレスノイト結晶化ガラスの酸溶解と針状単結晶の単離(岡山大学)○大浦佑介,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK43 ホウケイ酸塩系ガラスの分相におけるリンの分配挙動(岡山大学)○大月裕貴,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK45 純テルライトおよび低アルカリテルライトガラスの特異な結晶化挙動の観察(岡山大学)○加藤駿佑,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK50 種々のセラミックス材料の電子状態と離型性(岡山大学)○藤原二朗,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK54 鉄鋼スラグからのリンのリサイクル(岡山大学)○村田直也,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK55 ホウ素の循環再利用プロセスの開発(岡山大学)○新居加奈子,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK56 湿式ボールミルによる産業廃棄物からの有価元素の回収(岡山大学)○河西宏樹,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

日本化学会西日本大会@愛媛大学 11/7-8/2009

bullet1C08 硫黄を含むガラスの分相と硫黄の挙動(岡山大)○佐伯慶二・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

セラ協ガラスおよびフォトニクス材料討論会@京都大学 10/29-30/2009

bullet2A08 ビスマスホウ酸塩系ガラスの構造解析と分相挙動との関連(岡山大)○井田憲嗣、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎

セラ協秋季シンポジウム@愛媛大学 9/16-18/2009

bullet2I03 耐火物の耐スラグ侵食性に及ぼす非酸化物の添加効果(岡山大学)○森田圭輔・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2O21 高度配向したフレスノイト結晶化ガラスの透明性向上と機能評価(岡山大学)○遠藤篤子・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

セラ協年会@東京理科大学 3/16-18/2009

bulletサテライト 産業廃棄物の再資源化処理プロセスの開発 (岡山大学) ○福永大輔,難波徳郎,紅野安彦,崎田真一
bullet1E19 耐火物と溶融スラグの反応性に及ぼす塩基度の影響 (岡山大学)○伊賀棒公一・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2J06 WO3薄膜へ電気化学的に挿入されたイオンの分布状態 (岡山大学)○川合美穂・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2P070 硫黄を含むガラスの分相と硫黄の挙動 (岡山大学)○佐伯慶二・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2P074 低融点ビスマスボレートガラスの構造解析 (岡山大学)○井田憲嗣・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2P076 近赤外レーザー誘起によるDy3+含有ビスマス亜鉛ホウ酸塩ガラスの局所結晶化 (岡山大学)○下村圭司・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

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崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也, 環境制御, 30 (2008) 39-44.
-- The preparation of SnO-B2O3 and SnO-SiO2 glasses by melting in Ar atmosphere was performed. The prepared SnO-B2O3 glasses were large enough to measure optical properties whereas the vitrification in SnO-SiO2 system was very difficult. PbO-B2O3 and BiO1.5-B2O3 glasses were also prepared for comparison with SnO-B2O3 glasses. The densities, glass transition temperatures, and optical properties such as refractive indices, dispersion, and transmission spectra of SnO-B2O3, PbO-B2O3, and BiO1.5-B2O3 glasses were measured. On the basis of the obtained results, the potential for SnO-B2O3 glasses as lead-free glasses is particularly discussed from the viewpoint of optical properties. --[PDF]
bulletStudies on the characterization of sulfur and coloration in borosilicate glasses,
Taro Asahi, Susumu Nakayama, Tokuro Nanba, Hajime Kiyono, Hiroshi Yamashita, Takashi Maekawa, J. Ceram. Process. Res., 9(4) (2008) 401-406.
-- Ternary alkali borosilicate glasses containing sulfur were prepared by a conventional melt quenching method, and their chemical bonding states were investigated based on XPS and 29Si, 11B MAS-NMR measurement. The glass samples changed in color from blue to reddish brown due to the state of the sulfur and their glass compositions. From S2p photoelectron spectra, it can be seen that the sulfur exists with a negative charge in the glass. The forming of non-bridging oxygen components was observed from O1s photoelectron spectra of the glasses, which colored to brown and reddish brown. Furthermore, a signal from silicon atoms coordinated to the sulfur was detected in these glasses by the 29Si MAS-NMR measurement. From these results, it is considered that sulfur atoms bonded silicon atoms at the forming range of the non-bridging oxygen component. --[PDF]
bulletChemical recycling of inorganic wastes by using phase separation of glass,
T. Nanba, S. Mikami, T. Imaoka, S. Sakida, Y. Miura, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 116(2) (2008) 220-223.
-- A chemical recycling process using phase separation of glass was applied to a granulated blast furnace slag with high CaO content. Glasses were prepared by adding B2O3 to the slag in order to promote phase separation, and the glasses were heat-treated above glass transition temperature. In the subsequent acid-treatment, however, gelation due to the elution of SiO2 phase containing CaO occurred, not obtaining high SiO2 solids. Then, pretreatment was introduced to reduce CaO content in slag, where the raw slag was briefly washed in acid. The slag glasses prepared from the pretreated slag were commonly phase-separated by heat-treatment regardless of B2O3 content. After subsequent acid-treatment, colorless insoluble solids were successfully recovered. The end products consist of 70~90 mass% SiO2, and coloring ions such as Mn, Fe and Cr were almost completely removed from the slag glasses. Reutilization as raw materials for glass is expected. --[ PDF ]


セラ協中四国支部ヤングセラミストミーティング in 中四国@広島大学 11/29/2008

bulletK23 WO3エレクトロクロミック(EC)薄膜の着退色機構の解明(岡山大)○川合美穂,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK27 ホウ素の循環再利用プロセスの開発(岡山大)○岩丸絵理奈,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK30 湿式ボールミルによる廃棄物のリサイクル法の開発(岡山大)○黒田龍介,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK32 Crフリーレンガの開発(耐スラグ浸食性に対する非酸化物添加効果)(岡山大)○森田圭輔,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK34 ZnO含有低融点ガラスの構造解析とガラス中のハロゲンの存在状態の解明(岡山大)○井田憲嗣,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK35 レーザー集光局所加熱を利用したガラス表面への異質相パターニング(岡山大)○岡部稔央,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK36 イオン交換に伴うガラスの構造変化の解析(岡山大)○木村清恵,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bulletK38 バルク状高配向透明結晶化ガラスの開発(岡山大)○遠藤篤子,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

セラ協ガラス討論会@東北大学 11/27-28/2008

bullet1B05 アルミノボロシリケートガラスの構造に及ぼす塩基度の影響(岡山大)○田中祐輔、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletP09 Er3+ドープAg-Naイオン交換タングステンテルライトガラス導波路の屈折率分布および伝搬損失(岡山大) ○榎本和仁、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎

6th International Conference on Inorganic Materials, Dresden, Germany 9/28-30

bulletFabrication and Characterization Of Er3+-doped Tellurite Glass Waveguides By Ag+-Na+ Ion-exchange Method (Okayama U.) ○K. Enomoto, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletEffect of basicity on the structure of aluminoborate glasses (Okayama U.) ○Y. Tanaka, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletEffect of basicity on the reactivity of refractories (Okayama U.) ○K. Igabo, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba
bulletBehavior of sulfur associated with phase separation of glass in Na2S-B2O3-SiO2 system (Okayama U.) ○K. Saiki, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba

セラ協秋季シンポジウム@小倉 9/17-19

bullet2B04 耐火物の反応に及ぼす塩基度の影響 (岡山大)○伊賀棒公一,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎
bullet3F17 一般廃棄物のケミカルリサイクル (岡山大)○黒田祐太郎,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

セラ協中四国支部・「第3回 夢の融合 産・学・官研究マッチング」@岡山

bullet結晶化ガラスの析出形態制御 (岡山大)○紅野安彦

Borate会議2008@姫路 8/19-22

bullet19-P-02 Correlation between basicity and coordination structure in borosilicate glasses (Okayama U.) ○Y. Tanaka, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, T. Nanba, Y. Miura
bullet19-O-06 Molecular orbital calculation of 29Si NMR chemical shift in borosilicates --- the effect of boron coordination to SiO4 unit --- (Okayama U.) ○T. Nanba, Y. Asano, S. Sakida, Y. Benino, Y. Miura

セラ協ガラス部会・夏季若手セミナー@新潟 7/31-8/2

bulletガラスにおける化学結合状態と塩基度(岡山大)○難波徳郎 [ PDF ]

耐火物技術協会 年次学術講演会@姫路 4/22,23

bullet一般講演3 一般廃棄物高温焼却炉用クロムフリー耐火物の開発(岡山大院環境)○伊賀棒公一・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎,(岡山セラミックス技術振興財団)藤田基成,山口明良

セラ協年会@長岡 3/20-22

bullet1D25 分子軌道計算によるSi NMR化学シフトに対するホウ素の影響評価(岡山大院環境)○浅野裕大・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet3D06 バルク状高配向表面結晶化ガラスの析出形態制御と機能発現(岡山大環境)○知田健作・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet3J21 耐火物の反応性に及ぼす塩基度の影響(岡山大院環境)○伊賀棒公一・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bulletサテライト 無機系廃棄物の再資源化技術の開発(岡山大学)○難波徳郎・福永大輔・今岡卓也・崎田真一・紅野安彦

セラ協 The 18th Meeting on Glasses for Photonics@東京 1/28

bullet10 酸化物ガラス中のEr3+イオンの光学特性とガラスの塩基度との相関 ○立山祐資,崎田真一,紅野安彦,難波徳郎

セラ協 基礎討#46@名古屋 1/10,11

bullet2A02 無機系廃棄物の再資源化技術の開発(岡山大院環境)○今岡卓也・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet2F23 Si NMR 化学シフトに対するホウ素の影響評価(岡山大院環境)○浅野裕大・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

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bulletSintering of Al2O3-Cr2O3 Powder Prepared by Sol-Gel Process,
M. FUJITA, K. INUKAI, S. SAKIDA, T. NANBA, J. OMMYOJI, A. YAMAGUCHI, Y. MIURA, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 56(6), (2007) 526-530.
-- The sol-gel method was applied to create Al2O3-Cr2O3 ceramics using aluminum ethylacetoacetate diisopropylate and chromium (III) chloride hexahydrate as starting materials. In the calcination at 600-1200 °C it was found that the grains of Cr2O3-rich solid solution grew when they were exposed to the surrounding Al2O3-rich amorphous particles. The composition of the powders obtained by the sol-gel process changed with calcining temperature. Cr2O3-rich solid solutions firstly crystallize at low temperature and the composition of the crystallites changes as the crystals grow and react with the surrounding Al2O3-rich phases. The final sintered body was not obtained when abnormal grains grew when calcining occurred. --[ PDF ]
bulletOptical properties of Er3+-doped tungsten tellurite glass waveguides by Ag+–Na+ ion-exchange,
S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura, Optical Materials, 30(4), (2007) 586-593.
-- The planar waveguides of 12Na2O.35WO3.53TeO2.1Er2O3 glass (in mol%) were prepared by Ag+–Na+ ion-exchange at 300–360°C for 5–30h. The effective mode indices and propagation losses of the waveguides were measured at the wavelengths of 473, 632.8, 983.1 and 1548 nm by means of a prism coupler technique. The waveguide depths from glass surface increased with increasing ion-exchange temperature and time. The diffusion parameters such as diffusion coefficient and activation energy were calculated on the basis of an Arrhenius temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient of Ag+ ions in the ion-exchanged glasses. The propagation losses of the waveguides were 5.04–6.64, 2.70–4.77, 5.44–6.73 and 7.32–8.31dB/cm in the first half in the propagation distance from 0 to 3.0 cm and 3.52–4.82, 1.92–2.99, 3.78–5.06 and 3.91–5.15 dB/cm in the latter half at 473, 632.8, 983.1 and 1548 nm, respectively. The relationship between the optical properties of the waveguides and the ion-exchange conditions is discussed. --[ PDF ]
今岡卓也, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也, 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告, 12(1), (2007) 161-165.
-- A novel recycling process of municipal waste slags obtaining Fe-free colorless materials was developed by using a phase separation of borosilicate glass. B2O3 was added to a simulated waste slag to promote the phase separation. The slag glasses were heat-treated above glass transition temperatures, from which phase separation was successfully induced. The phase-separated slag glasses were still colored in black due to Fe ions, and after soaking in acid, they were successfully bleached, obtaining colorless solids. According to compositional analyses, no Fe ions were confirmed in the remaining insolubles, indicating that Fe ions were preferentially incorporated into the borate-rich phases soluble in acid. The main constituent of the colorless solids was SiO2, and the end products obtained in the present process were expected as an alternative of pure silica glass. --[ PDF ]


セラ協 基礎討#45@仙台 1/22-23

bullet1A03 TiO2含有酸化物ガラスの構造解析(岡山大)○井上幸大, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也
bullet1A23 ボロシリケートガラス中トライクラスター酸素の17O NMRパラメータ解析 (岡山大)○米山泰史, 漆原誠, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也

セラ協年会@東京 3/21-23

bullet2F23 MAS NMR分光法によるアニール前後のP2O5-SiO2 二成分系ガラスの構造解析 (岡山大)○崎田真一・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也
bullet2F24 ボロシリケートガラスの構造に及ぼす塩基度の影響 (岡山大)○難波徳郎・田中祐輔・崎田真一・三浦嘉也

ICG XXI@Strasbourg, France 7/1-6

bulletU-40 New recycling method of industrial and nonindustrial waste slags using phase separation of glass (Okayama U.) ○T. Nanba, T. Imaoka, S. Mikami, S. Sakida, Y. Miura
bulletC-16 Ab-initio calculation of 17O NMR parameters of various oxygen sites in
borosilicate glasses (Okayama U.) ○T. Nanba, M. Urushihara, Y. Yoneyama, S. Sakida, Y. Miura
bulletL-24 Chemical etching behavior of laser-irradiated region with refractive index change and crystallization in glasses, (Nagaoka U.T.) N. Hirokawa, T. Honma, Y. Benino, T. Komatsu
bulletL-2 Writing of fresnoite-type crystal lines at the surface of glass by laser induced atom heat processing, (Nagaoka U.T.) T. Honma, Y. Benino, R. Sato, T. Fujiwara, T. Komatsu
bulletL-27 Preparation of fluoride crystal lines in oxyfluoride glasses by laser irradiation, (Nagaoka U.T.) M. Kusatsugu, M. Kanno, Y. Benino, T. Komatsu
bulletL-30 Local temperature profiling during laser focused heating process, (Okayama U.) Y. Benino, (Nagaoka U.T.) R. Ihara, T. Honma, T. Fujiwara, T. Komatsu
bulletL-31 Laser-induced crystallization in rare-earth bismuth borate glasses by transition metal atom heat processing, (Nagaoka U.T.) K. Koshiba, T. Honma, Y. Benino, T. Komatsu
bulletN-24 Fabrication of LiFePO4 crystal lines for lithium battery cathode by laser-induced local heating, (Nagaoka U.T.) K. Hirose, T. Honma, Y. Benino, T. Komatsu
bulletT-3 Fabrication of transparent ferroelectric glass-ceramics: A unique problem of glass devitrification, (Lehigh U.) P.N. Gupta, H. Jain, D.B. Williams, (Nagaoka U.T.) T. Honma, Y. Benino, T. Komatsu
bulletT-7 Recent advances in laser-induced patterning of functional crystal lines in glasses, (Nagaoka U.T.) T. Komatsu, R. Ihara, T. Honma, Y. Benino

セラ協中四国支部産・学・官研究マッチング@岡山 9/7

bulletシーズ3:ガラスの相分離を利用した廃棄物のマテリアルリサイクル (岡山大学) ○難波徳郎

セラ協秋季シンポ@名古屋 9/12-14

bullet2D20 ガラスの相分離を利用した廃棄物の新規リサイクル法 (岡山大学)○難波徳郎・今岡卓也・三上修平・崎田真一・紅野安彦・三浦嘉也

日本化学会西日本大会@岡山 10/10,11

bullet1PA-85 分子軌道計算による29Si NMR 化学シフトの定量的評価(岡山大学)○浅野裕大・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1PA-86 酸化物ガラス中のEr3+イオンの光学特性とガラスの塩基度との相関(岡山大学)○立山祐資・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1PA-87 Ag+-Na+イオン交換法によるEr3+含有タングステンテルライトガラス光導波路の作製および特性評価(岡山大学)○榎本和仁・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1PA-88 ガラス構造の予測手法の開発-塩基度がガラス構造に及ぼす影響評価-(岡山大学)○田中祐輔・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎
bullet1PB-97 都市ゴミ溶融スラグのマテリアルリサイクル(岡山大学)○今岡卓也・崎田真一・紅野安彦・難波徳郎

Pacrim7@Shanghai, China 11/11-14

bulletS2-66-P Studies on the Characterization of Sulfur and Coloration in Borosilicate Glasses (1Niihama National College of Technology; 2Okayama University; 3Hokkaido University, Japan; 4Ehime University) ○T. Asahi,1 S. Nakayama,1 T. Nanba,2 H. Kiyono,3 H. Yamashita4 and T. Maekawa4

ガラス討論会@豊橋 11/29,30

bulletP15 アルミノボレートガラスの構造に及ぼす塩基度の影響(岡山大) ○田中祐輔、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bulletP17 Ag+-Na+イオン交換法によるEr3+含有テルライトガラス光導波路の作製及び特性評価(岡山大)○榎本和仁、崎田真一、紅野安彦、難波徳郎
bullet2B16 レーザー照射によるガラスへのニオブ酸リチウム結晶パターニング(長岡技科大A、岡山大院B)○本間剛A、小柴佳子A、紅野安彦B、小松高行A
bullet2A18 29Si及び31P MAS NMR 分光法によるアニール前後のP2O5-SiO2 二成分系ガラスの構造解析(岡山大)○崎田真一、難波徳郎、三浦嘉也

ヤンセラ@岡山 12/8

bulletK1 耐火物の反応性に及す塩基度の影響 (岡山大学) ○伊賀棒公一, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK6 産業廃棄物の再資源化処理プロセスの開発 (岡山大学) ○福永大輔, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK7 都市ゴミ焼却灰と溶融スラグの再資源化処理プロセスの開発 (岡山大学) ○黒田祐太郎, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK8 ガラスの分相を利用した都市ゴミ溶融スラグのマテリアルサイクル (岡山大学) ○今岡卓也, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK10 陶磁器用鉛フリーガラスの開発 (岡山大学) ○新玉賢治, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK11 硫黄を含むガラスの分相と硫黄の挙動 (岡山大学) ○佐伯慶二, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK12 バルク状高配向表面結晶化ガラスの析出形態制御と機能発現 (岡山大学) ○知田健作, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK14 酸化物ガラス中のEr3+イオンの光学特性とガラスの塩基度との相関 (岡山大学) ○立山祐資, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK15 ガラス構造の予測手法の開発-塩基度がガラス構造に及ぼす影響評価- (岡山大学) ○田中祐輔, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK16 Ag+-Na+イオン交換法によるEr3+ドープテルライトガラス光導波路の作製および特性評価 (岡山大学) ○榎本和仁, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK62 イオン交換に伴う構造変化の解析 (岡山大学) ○宮崎友良, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK67 分子軌道計算による29Si NMR 化学シフトの定量的評価 (岡山大学) ○浅野裕大, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bulletK68 応力場変調による光非線形変調構造の形成 (岡山大学) ○下村圭司, 崎田真一, 紅野安彦, 難波徳郎
bullet特別講演 結晶化ガラス開発と光学機能計測 (岡山大学) ○紅野安彦

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新 聞

山陽新聞 3/21/2007,朝日新聞4/12/2007 PDF


崎田真一, 山本祐一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也, 林 徹浩, 山口明良
材料, 55(7) (2006) 670-674.
-- The hardening mechanism of refractory patching materials with a phosphate binder was investigated by means of 31P static and magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Ten refractory patching materials were made of refractory powders of SiO2 and fused alumina and five mixed solutions of phosphoric acid and aluminum biphosphate as phosphate binders. 31P static and MAS NMR spectra were measured of five phosphate binders and twenty soft and hard refractory patching materials, respectively, to reveal the local structure around P atoms. The 31P static and MAS NMR spectra revealed that PO4 tetrahedra in the phosphate binders have no P-O-P linkage between PO4 tetrahedra and that as the patching materials become hard, the ratio of PO4 tetrahedra with bridging oxygens increases, respectively. This result suggests that the hardening of the patching materials is caused by the condensation of the phosphate binder. But the ratio of PO4 tetrahedra with bridging oxygens was not enough to form the network by P-O-P linkage between PO4 tetrahedra. On the basis of these results, the hardening mechanism of refractory patching materials with a phosphate binder is proposed.
--[ PDF ]
朝日太郎, 中山 享, 三浦嘉也, 難波徳郎, 山下 浩, 前川 尚
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 114(8) (2006), 697-704.
Ternary alkali borosilicate glasses containing sulfur were prepared by conventional melt quenching method, and their chemical bonding states were investigated based on X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and 29Si, 11B Magic Angle Spinning (MAS)-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurement. The glass samples changed in color from blue to reddish brown due to the remaining sulfur and their glass compositions. These phenomena is closely related with the glass structure. From S2p photoelectron spectra, it can be seen that the sulfur exists with a negative charge in the glass. The formation of non-bridging oxygen components was observed from O1s photoelectron spectra of the glasses, which colored to brown and reddish brown. Furthermore, the signal of silicon atoms coordinated to the sulfur was detected in these glasses by the 29Si MAS-NMR measurement. From these results, it was considered that sulfur atoms bonded silicon atoms at the formation range of non-bridging oxygen component, and the bond of silicon to sulfur in the glasses caused the change in the sample coloration. --[ PDF ]
bulletStructural Change around Si Atoms in P2O5-SiO2 Binary Glasses before and after Annealing by 29Si MAS NMR Spectroscopy
S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura, Chem. Lett., .35(11) (2006) 1268-9.
The 29Si MAS NMR spectra of P2O5–SiO2 binary glasses were measured before and after annealing to examine the local structure around Si atoms in the glasses. The glasses were composed of SiO6 octahedra and Q4 (SiO4 tetrahedra with four bridging oxygens). By increasing the P2O5 content, the fractions of SiO6 octahedra increased and those of Q4 decreased. The fractions of SiO6 octahedra increased by 6–8% in the range of 29.7 to 47.4 mol% P2O5 by annealing for 5 h. This result was found for the first time in binary glasses. On the basis of the results obtained, the local structure around Si atoms in the glasses and the structural change by annealing are discussed. -- [ PDF ]
bulletRefractive-index profiles and propagation losses of Er3+-doped tungsten tellurite glass waveguide by Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange
S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura, Mater. Lett., 60 (2006) 3413-5.
The planar waveguide of 12Na2O·35WO3·53TeO2·1Er2O3 glass (in mol%) was prepared by Ag+–Na+ ion-exchange at 330 °C for 5 h. The effective mode indices and propagation losses of the waveguide at the wavelengths of 473, 632.8, 983.1 and 1548 nm for TE and TM modes were measured by means of a prism coupler technique. The results were compared with those of a planar waveguide of the tungsten tellurite glass without Er3+ ions. Especially, the propagation losses of ion-exchanged tellurite glass waveguides were estimated for the first time to the best of our knowledge. -- [ PDF ]


セラ協 基礎討#44@高知 1/19-20

bullet1B13 廃棄物溶融炉用MgO-Al2O3系の反応性に対する添加物の影響 (岡山大)○北基, 三浦嘉也, 難波徳郎, 崎田真一, (岡山セラミックス技術振興財団)藤田基成, 隠明寺準治, 山口明良
bullet2A13 2価カチオンを挿入した非晶質WO3薄膜のエレクトロクロミック特性 (岡山大)○堂森志洋, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也
bullet2E03 分子軌道計算によるボロシリケートガラスの17O NMRパラメーターの解析 (岡山大)○漆原誠, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也
bullet2E17 テルライト系ガラスの屈折率の組成依存性 (岡山大)○赤嶺宗子, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦義也

第3回 環境・エネルギー関連セラミックス研究会 (セラ協年会2006サテライトプログラム)@東京大学 3/14

bullet廃棄物溶融炉用耐火物の断熱性に及ぼす組成と組織の影響 (岡山セラミックス技術振興財団)○藤田基成, 隠明寺準治, 山口明良, (岡山大学)犬飼恵輔, 北 基, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也

1st International Congress On Ceramics @Toronto, Canada 6/25-29

bulletInfluence of the Composition and Microstructure on Property of the Al2O3-Cr2O3 Refractory Materials, ○M. Fujita, J. Ommyoji, A. Yamaguchi, K. Inukai, T. Nanba and Y, Miura

19th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA2006) @Kobe, Japan 7/23-28

bulletO09-06: Ab Initio Calculation of 17O NMR Parameter of Oxygen Sites in Borosilicate Glasses
(Okayama U.) M. Urushihara, S. Sakida, ○T. Nanba, Y. Miura

セラ協 第19回秋季シンポジウム@甲府 9/19-21

bullet2I19 一般廃棄物溶融スラグの新規リサイクル法 (岡山大)○今岡卓也, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也

Materials Science & Technology 2006 @Cincinnati, USA 10/15-19

bulletStructure and Optical Properties of TiO2 Containing Oxide Glasses
(Okayama U.) ○K. Inoue, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [ PDF ]
bulletAb Initio Calculation of 17O NMR Parameters of Tricluster Oxygen Sites in Borosilicate Glasses
(Okayama U.) ○Y. Yoneyama, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [ PDF ]
bulletMolecular Orbital Calculation on the Chemical Bonding Character of Phosphate Glasses
(Okayama U.) ○Y. Asano, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [ PDF ]
bulletRecycling of Municipal Waste Slag Using Phase Separation of Glass
(Okayama U.) ○T. Imaoka, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [ PDF ]
bulletCorrelation between the Basicity and Optical Property of Er3+ Ion in Oxide Glasses
(Okayama U.) ○Y. Tateyama, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [ PDF ]
bulletRegression Analysis on the Amount of Tetrahedral Boron in Borosilicate Glasses
(Okayama U.) ○T. Nanba, S. Sakida, Y. Miura [ PDF ]

ガラス討論会@東京理科大 11/21-22

bulletP10 分子軌道計算によるリン酸塩ガラスの化学結合性の評価 (岡山大) ○浅野裕大, 崎田真一, 難波徳 郎, 三浦嘉也
bulletP11 酸化物ガラス中のErイオンの光学特性と塩基度の相関 (岡山大) ○立山祐資, 崎田真一, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也
bulletGB07 岡山大学セラミックス材料学研究室(三浦研)の研究紹介 (岡山大) ○難波徳郎, 崎田真一, 三浦嘉也

ヤンセラ@高知大学 11/25

bulletK3 ボロシリケートガラス中トライクラスターの分子軌道計算 (岡山大) ○米山泰史
bulletK5 酸化物ガラス中のEr3+イオンの光学物性とガラスマトリックスの塩基度との相関 (岡山大) ○立山祐資
bulletK8 分子軌道計算によるリン酸塩ガラス化学結合状態の解析 (岡山大) ○浅野裕大
bulletK35 TiO2含有酸化物ガラスの光学特性と構造解析 (岡山大) ○井上幸大

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bulletConsideration on the correlation between basicity of oxide glasses and O1s chemical shift in XPS,
T. Nanba, Y. Miura, S. Sakida, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 113(1) (2005) 44-50.
-- O1s binding energy measured in XPS is a candidate to determine a new scale of Lewis basicity of oxide ions in glass. Some mathematical expressions for the basicity or XPS chemical shift, such as charge parameter and optical basicity, were compared with the experimental O1s binding energy in binary alkali oxide glasses. The expressions so far in use needed some modification in parameters. A new empirical expression introduced in this paper gives a new concept and universal scale of basicity. -- [ PDF ]
難波徳郎, 崎田真一, 三浦嘉也, NEW GLASS, 20 (2005) 35-43.
-- Structure of bismuthate glasses in the systems, Li2O-Bi2O3,Bi2O3-SiO2 and Bi2O3-B2O3, has been investigated. Bi ions in these glasses were commonly in a trivalent state, and in the Li2O-Bi2O3 glasses a number of positive electron holes were present on oxide ions. Coordination number of Bi ions was 6 ~ 7, and the BiOn polyhedra built (Bi2O2)2+ double layers sharing their edges rather than corners. The (BiO) layers were interconnected by the continuous chains of Si-O-Si bridges, which were indispensable in the glass formation of Bi2O3-SiO2 system. -- [ PDF ]


基礎討#43@幕張 01/20-21


年会2005@岡山大学 03/22-24

bullet 1D25:リン酸塩結合材を用いた耐火物用パッチング材の硬化機構の解明(岡山大学)○崎田真一・山本祐一・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也・(林ロザイ(株))林徹浩・(岡山セラミックス技術振興財団)山口明良
bullet3E20:分子軌道計算によるボロシリケートガラスの17O NMR 化学シフトの解析(岡山大学)○漆原誠・崎田真一・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也

日本材料学会 第117回セラミック材料部門委員会@京都 07/19

bulletリン酸塩結合材を用いたパッチング耐火物の硬化機構 (岡山大学)○崎田真一,山本祐一,難波徳郎,三浦嘉也,(林ロザイ)林 徹浩,(岡山セラミックス技術振興財団)山口明良
bulletAl2O3-Cr2O3系セラミックスの化学的特性 (岡山大学)○犬飼恵輔,崎田真一,難波徳郎,三浦嘉也,(岡山セラミックス技術振興財団)藤田基成,隠明寺準治,山口明良

Pacrim6@マウイ,ハワイ 09/11-16

bulletS7-8-P: Sintering and chemical properties of Al2O3-Cr2O3 ceramics prepared by sol-gel process (Okayama U.) ○K. Inukai, Y. Kimura, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura, M. Fujita, J. Ommyouji, A. Yamaguchi [PDF]
bulletGOM-10-P: Compositional Dependence of Refractive Index in Tellurite Glasses (Okayama U.) ○S. Akamine, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [PDF]
bulletGOM-9-P: Optical Properties of Bi2O3-La2O3-Al2O3-B2O3 Glasses (Okayama U.) ○S. Sumimiya, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [PDF]
bulletGOM-15-P: Optical properties of rare earth ions in heavy metal oxide glasses (Okayama U.) ○R. Yamaguchi, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [PDF]
bulletEL5-6-P: Coloration and bleaching phenomena of amorphous WO3 films due to the electrochemical insertion of divalent cations (Okayama U.) ○Y. Domori, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [PDF]
bulletS5-6-P: Theoretical Interpretation of 17O NMR Spectra in Borosilicate Glasses (Okayama U.) ○M. Urushihara, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [PDF]
bulletGOM-20-O: Optical properties of waveguides of Er3+-doped tellurite glasses prepared by Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange (Okayama U.) ○S. Sakida, T. Nanba, Y. Miura [PDF]
bulletS5-17-I: Chemical Bonding Character of the Network Forming Bonds in Oxide Glasses (Okayama U.) ○T. Nanba, S. Sakida, Y. Miura [PDF]

無機マテリアル学会 第111回秋季学術講演会@岡山 11/10-11

bullet特別講演 金属酸化物の光学塩基度 ―塩基度の決定法と関連物性について―」(岡山大学)○三浦嘉也

ガラス討論会@滋賀県立大 11/21-22

bulletP17 ビスマス含有ガラスの構造と赤外発光特性(岡山大学)○住宮 悟,崎田真一,難波徳郎,三浦嘉也
bulletP18 重金属酸化物ガラス中の希土類イオンの発光特性(岡山大学)○山口 亮,崎田真一,難波徳郎,三浦嘉也

ヤンセラ@徳島大学 11/26

bulletK13 Er3+ドープ酸化物ガラスの1.5μm帯発光幅とガラスマトリックスの塩基度との相関(岡山大学)○立山祐資,崎田真一,難波徳郎,三浦嘉也
bulletK14 Bi2O3-ZnO-Al2O3系ガラスの作製と透明着色結晶の形成(岡山大学)○黒川知輝,崎田真一,難波徳郎,三浦嘉也

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bulletMolecular dynamic simulation on the structure of sodium germanate melts,
T. Nanba, M. Nakamura, Y. Miura, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, Suppl. 112(5) (2004) S1250-1253.
-- A molecular dynamic simulation with 2+3 body interactions was performed to investigate the structural changes in the sodium germanate melts. It has been widely accepted that the octahedral GeO6 units change into tetrahedral GeO4 units and non-bridging oxygen is formed while the glass is melting. Such the structural changes were confirmed in the simulations. Furthermore, oxygen atoms surrounded by three Ge atoms were also formed in the structural models, and the relative amount of the 3-fold oxygen decreased during the heating simulations. From these results, the glassy and molten states could be characterized by the edge-sharing connections by GeO6 units and the corner-sharing open structures by GeO4 units, respectively. -- [ PDF ]
bulletA theoretical interpretation of the chemical shift of 29Si NMR peaks in alkali borosilicate glasses,
T. Nanba, M. Nishimura, Y. Miura, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(24) (2004) 5103-5111.
-- In 29Si-NMR, it has so far been accepted that the chemical shifts of Qn species (SiO4 units containing n bridging oxygens) were equivalent between alkali borosilicate and boron-free alkali silicate glasses. In the sodium borosilicate glasses with low sodium content, however, a contradiction was confirmed in the estimation of alkali distribution; 11B NMR suggested that Na ions were entirely distributed to borate groups to form BO4 units, whereas a -90 ppm component was also observed in 29Si-NMR spectra, which has been attributed to Q3 species associated with a nonbridging oxygen (NBO). Then, cluster molecular orbital calculations were performed to interpret the -90 ppm component in the borosilicate glasses. It was found that a silicon atom which had two tetrahedral borons (B4) as its second nearest neighbors was similar in atomic charge and Si2p energy to the Q3 species in boron-free alkali silicates. Unequal distribution of electrons in Si-O-B4 bridging bonds was also found, where much electrons were localized on the Si-O bonds. It was finally concluded that the Si-O-B4 bridges with narrow bond angle were responsible for the -90 ppm 29Si component in the borosilicate glasses. There still remained another interpretation; the Q3 species were actually present in the glasses, and NBOs in the Q3 species were derived from the tricluster groups, such as (O3Si)O(BO3)2. In the glasses with low sodium content, however, it was concluded that the tricluster groups were not so abundant to contribute to the -90 ppm component. -- [ PDF ]


基礎討#42@長岡 01/22-23

bullet2C07:Sr-Akermanite系ガラスセラミクスの残光特性 (岡山大) ○福田淳・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也
bullet2C09:Bi2O3-GeO2-B2O3系ガラス及びガラスセラミックス中のCrイオンの光学特性 (岡山大) ○岡田浩司・三浦嘉也・難波徳郎
bullet2C13:2価イオン挿入による非晶質WO3薄膜のエレクトロクロミック特性 (岡山大) ○梅田真悟・三浦嘉也・難波徳郎
bullet2C16:アルカリホウ酸塩結晶の配位環境と電子状態 (岡山大) ○間野晶子・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也

年会@湘南工大 03/22-23

bullet1K37:イオン交換法による銀イオン含有光導波ガラスの作製 (岡山大) ○上妻啓人・崎田真一・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也

日本材料学会 第53期学術講演会@岡山 5/15-16

bullet629:ビスマス系酸化物ガラスの屈折率と分散 (岡山大)○漆原誠, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也
bullet630:ビスマス系酸化物ガラスの化学状態と光学特性 (岡山大)○住宮悟, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也

支部連合学術討論会@岡山 09/03

bulletA1:Er3+ドープテルライトガラスのAg+-Na+イオン交換法による平面導波路の光学特性評価 (岡山大)○崎田真一・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也
bulletB1:一般廃棄物焼却炉用クロムフリー耐火材料の開発 (岡山大)○犬飼恵輔・木村友樹・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也・(岡山セラミックス技術振興財団)山口明良・藤田基成
bulletB2:テルライト系ガラスの屈折率の組成依存性 (岡山大)○赤嶺宗子・崎田真一・難波徳郎・三浦嘉也

ICGXX@Kyoto 9/26-10/1

bulletO-10-038:Chemical bonding character of aluminosilicate glasses (Okayama U) T. Nanba, Y. Miura
bulletP-10-011:Structure of Bi2O3-SiO2 glasses (Okayama U) T. Nanba, Y. Tabuchi, Y. Miura [ PDF ]
bulletP-10-032:Cation distribution in alkali and alkaline-earth borosilicate glasses (Okayama U) Y. Miura, T. Nanba

耐協 連合研究発表会@赤穂 10/29

bulletCr2O3-Al2O3系焼結体の焼結性 (岡山大)○犬飼恵輔, 木村友樹, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也, 藤田基成, 山口明良

ヤンセラ@岡山 11/27

bullet1:Erドープ光ファイバーアンプの作製 (岡山大)○河林毅
bullet2:WO3エレクトロクロミック薄膜の作製 (岡山大)○堂森志洋
bullet11:重金属酸化物ガラス中のPr3+イオンの光学特性 (岡山大)○山口亮
bullet13:鉛代替ガラスとしてのTiO2含有ガラスの作製とその光学特性 (岡山大)○井上幸大

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bulletChemical bonding state of sodium silicates,
T. Nanba, T. Hagiwara, Y. Miura, Advances in Quantum Chemistry, 42 (2003) 187-198.
-- The chemical bonding state of sodium silicates was estimated by a DV-Xα cluster MO method and a population analysis. Cluster models were constructed from the silicate crystals, pure silica, sodium disilicate and sodium metasilicate. The MO calculations successfully reproduced the experimental observations in XPS valence band spectra and core-orbital energies. According to the overlap population, covalent character increased with increasing Na2O content, and it was also the case for Na ions. The exceptional change was found in bridging oxygen (BO), where anti-bonding overlap between Si and BO was clearly seen around the top of the occupied levels and its contribution increased with increasing Na2O content. Correlations between the experimental core-orbital energies and the theoretical electronic populations were also examined, where the best correlation was found in the case of using a total atomic population given by the sum of the net atomic population and the overlap population. -- [ PDF ]
bulletAlkali Distribution in Borosilicate Glasses,
T. Nanba, Y. Miura, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, 44(3) 2003 244-8.
-- The alkali distribution in borosilicate glass has been discussed on the basis of the different quantities obtained by various experimental methods. The NBO fraction was chosen as a common quantity for evaluating the alkali distribution models. The NBO fractions in sodium borosilicate glasses were estimated from 11B and 29Si NMR as well as XPS. However, the best model was not found among the existing models. The amounts of sodium oxide consumed for the NBO formation in borate and silicate networks and for the formation of BO4 units were separately estimated from the 11B and 29Si NMR data. A new trend was found in the alkali distribution suggesting the possibility for a new universal distribution model. -- [ PDF ]
bulletChanges in atomic and electronic structures of amorphous WO3 films due to electrochemical ion insertion,
T. Nanba, M. Ishikawa, R. Sakai, Y. Miura, Thin Solid Films, 445(2) 2003 175-181.
-- The structural changes in amorphous WO3 films were investigated both on the atomic and electronic levels, and the experimental findings were interpreted using molecular orbital calculations. Electrochemical fast intercalation resulted in the splitting of a peak in the valence band region of the X-ray photoelectron spectrum. This splitting could be attributed to the formation of non-bridging oxygen. Decomposition of WO6 units into WO4 units could also be inferred from the data. This decomposition was, however, not responsible for the split of the photoelectron peak. From the population analyses it was found that the average bond strength decreased due to the intercalation, while select W-O bonds increased in strength. It was expected that these changes in the chemical bonding character lead to localization of electrons and distortion of WO6 units, which was consistent with the theoretical interpretations of electrochromism, the intervalence charge transfer model and the small polaron absorption theory. -- [ PDF ]


TOEO-3@Tokyo 4/10-11

bulletP26:Changes in atomic and electronic structures of amorphous WO3 films due to electrochemical ion insertion (Okayama U) T. Nanba, Y. Miura, M. Ishikawa, R. Sakai

支部連合@大阪 9/5

bulletB14:電位差滴定法によるセラミック粉体の表面状態の評価 (岡山大)○篠田真克,難波徳郎,三浦嘉也,(OCC)高橋秀典,上野覚

 Goldschmidt 2003@Kurashiki 9/7-12

bulletS41:An interpretation of 11B and 29Si NMR spectra in alkali borosilicate glasses (Okayama U) T. Nanba, M. Nishimura, Y. Miura
bulletS41-164:Local Structure Analysis of Alkali Silicate Glasses Containing Sulfur (Niihama NCT) T. Asahi, (Okayama U) Y. Miura, (Ehime U) H. Yamashita, T. Maekawa

Pacrim5@Nagoya 9/30-10/2

bullet17O15:Defect structures in lithium bismuthate glass (Okayama U) T. Nanba, T. Watanabe, Y. Miura
bullet17P24:Molecular dynamic simulation on the structure of sodium germanate melts (Okayama U) T. Nanba, M. Nakamura, Y. Miura

ガラ討@京都 11/20-21

bulletA-1:Ag+-Na+イオン交換法によるEr3+ドープテルライトガラス光導波路作製およびその導波特性 (岡山大)〇崎田真一, 上妻啓人, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也
bulletA-12:アルカリボロシリケートガラスのNMRスペクトル(岡山大)〇難波徳郎, 西村充智, 札場誠司, 三浦嘉也
bulletC-1:アルカリ土類ホウ珪酸塩ガラスの化学結合状態(岡山大)〇札場誠司, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也
bulletC-10:GeO2系融体の分子動力学シミュレーション(岡山大)〇中村昌博, 難波徳郎, 三浦嘉也

ヤンセラ@島根 12/06


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セラ協ガラス部会若手セミナー@倉敷 7/25-27

bulletガラスの化学結合状態の解析と計算機化学(岡山大)○難波徳郎 [PDF]

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